Development Experience Of India a Comparison with Neighbours
D evelopment Experience Of India a Comparison with Neighbours (Chapter-10) Development Path of India, Pakistan and China. (i) All the three countries started their development path at the same time. India and Pakistan got independence in 1947 and People ’s Republic of China was established in 1949. (ii) All the three countries had started planning their development strategies in similar ways. India announced its First Five Year Plan in 1951, Pakistan announced in 1956 and China in 1953. (iii) India and Pakistan adopted similar strategies, such as creating a large public sector and raising public expenditure on social development. (iv) Both India and Pakistan had adopted ‘mixed economy’ model but China had adopted ‘Command Economy’ model of economic growth. (v) Till 1980 s , all the three countries had similar growth rates and per capita incomes. (vi) Economic Reforms were implemented in China in 1978, in Pakistan in 1988 and in India in 1991. Development Str...